February 2017, are you ready!



It’s another full week, plenty of planetary activity.

Jupiter Rx 6th Feb.

Mercury enters Aquarius, 7th Feb,@7:35:53 pm.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Leo @ 22, 28.11 Feb 2017@10:34:13 am, (aest)

Plus the full moon chart is wild, lots happening. A grand fire trine, a mystic rectangle.

Lets not forget that it’s the start of eclipse season. Fate and destiny play a part here.

As I write this, I keep thinking, you may start to get what you have been working on or longing. Which brings in a fiery, exciting, passionate element,  a hopeful feeling.

The rolling stone’s song is also playing round in my head,

” You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need” somehow things does bring it down a bit.

Hey, eclipse season so…..there’s gonna be an element of surprise.

Here we all go……

Jupiter Rx till June 2017, planet of luck, opportunity, possibility, expansion, happiness. When Jupiter is Rx it is time for you to be more internal, in areas of growth. Hopefully you have been realistic in your goals and dreams. Jupiter Rx things come to you, during this phase of 4 months, you may be tested here to see if you are really ready and up for receiving, all the good things like, wealth, a new love, happiness all round. Be open and receptive. Whatever areas you have been working on its important to take some time out to see where you are at, how you are going. Take a look time and check in, you need to do this before you can continue on, going forward.

That is the blessing if all Rx it give you a chance to review, go over what you have been doing. Pause and reflect, take it slower.

Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury is happy here, the higher mind kicks in. Communication, writing, getting yourself out there among the bigger group, good time to be social, meet up and talk to like-minded people.Looking and thinking about the future, looking ahead. You will think about the bigger global picture and yes, as you already know there will be a lot of talking about it too.

You will feel more inclined to take the intellectual approach to conversations and leave the emotions perhaps for another time. You may find you have the ability here to rise above your emotions to help you get through. Detach, detach, detach! Mercury in Aquarius, you may have great, weird wonderful, genius ideas, keep track of them and write them down for later, go on out and have some bloody good chats with your friends and social group.





11 Feb 2017@10:34:13 am, (aest)

It’s a wee eclipse, may not pack much of a punch as some, but it is still an eclipse, brings in the node’s of past lives and future experiences.

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo, north node is next to the moon, dealing with the future, things come to you that’s yours, it’s written in your cosmic chart, during the eclipse, the portals open for a moment or two and stuff happens in the shift. And, you kind of have to go with the flow of them, because from my experience it usually is a game changer and sometimes it will knock you about, with whatever comes in or leaves. Eclipses are here to help you out to put you back on track, to lift you to the place, you are supposed to be. The universal helping hand. This is a good thing, because God knows we need all the help we can get, of course this can piss you off, as you know best or you may want it differently, but the universe believes and knows something else, try to go with it.

Leo, love, heart, playfulness and fun, open your heart to more of the things that make you happy, be creative and expressive, then take yourself out into the world and show everyone what you have got. Lead with your heart. 

Fire and air are the main elemental players, masculine energy, this can make you more of a, go getter, you will be inspired and motivated to take action, go for what you want, this is a supportive energy.

Grand trine, well it’s a triangle, 3 trines all in the same elemental sign. Generally this is a harmonies play of energy, creative potential for expression, they want to help you out.

The players:

Moon in Leo, fire, OK things may be big and dramatic

Saturn in Sagittarius, let Saturn’s energy in the chart hold the tension, work on bringing in stability, strength and determination.

Uranus in Aries, fire, unexpected change, surprises!

Mystic rectangle, Contains two oppositions (hard or challenging can cause conflict) two sextiles and two trines (soft and easier, beneficial for you), this can be good and helpful to you, enough easy but with a twist of a challenge just to keep things interesting.

The players here are:

Moon in Leo, fire

Sun in Aquarius, air

Jupiter Rx in Libra, air

Uranus in Aries, fire

All this energy may push you along, let yourself fly!

Check out your birth chart to see where, how this all will impact you. If none of the planets are hitting your natal points, you may find this is an easier time. Others may not. So go get your chart and look.


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